1. Digital infrastructures in the context of supply security: Reduce electricity costs and drive forward the energy transition
  1. Electricity costs in Germany are already among the highest in all of Europe. This places data centre operators in Germany at a significant competitive disadvantage and jeopardises supply security. The levy and tax burden on electricity for data centres must be reduced to a competitive level. A potential industrial electricity price should also apply to data centres, given that digital infrastructures are also dependent on a secure and stable power supply.
  2. The German federal government must prioritise and accelerate the energy transition. The consistent rollout of renewable energies is a fundamental condition for operators of digital infrastructures and other electricity-intensive industries to contribute to realising Germany’s and Europe’s ambitious CO2 goals.


  1. Digital infrastructures & sustainability: Practical realisation of the industrys potential
  1. In order to continue to stimulate innovation, sustainable digitalisation must be in harmony with the performance and competitiveness of Germany as a digital location. To this end, the characteristics and business models of digital infrastructures must be taken into account in the development of future measures.
  2. Instead of focusing solely on national planned legislation and certification approaches in the field of energy efficiency, policymakers must operate at the European level and in close cooperation with the industry sector.
  3. Waste heat from data centres represents a valuable CO2-free and therefore a climate-friendly energy resource. However, there are currently too few opportunities to supply waste heat to local or district heating networks on a large scale. Solutions could include purchase obligations for heat network operators or the integration of requirements for waste heat delivery with municipal heat planning.
  4. Policymakers must continue to build on fundamental and applied research on sustainable energy efficiency improvements for existing and future digital infrastructures. The development and use of natural, largely climate-neutral refrigerants for data centres also requires further support.
  5. The excessive efficiency requirements in the new German Energy Efficiency Act, involving a PUE value of 1.2 or more, overestimate the capabilities of currently available cooling technologies that do not rely on significant water consumption. Moreover, this also hinders the use of (less efficient) natural refrigerants. Regulation must align with current technical possibilities and must not overburden the data centre industry.